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Supporting pregnant smokers to quit

Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy is responsible for an increased rate of stillbirths, miscarriages and birth defects. The NHS Long Term Plan included a commitment to deliver an opt-out smokefree pregnancy pathway including focused sessions and treatments for expectant mothers. Partners will be referred to external local authority stop smoking services.


ASH webinar: Getting back on track after COVID-19 (May 2021)

This webinar focuses on getting maternity services back on track to support pregnant women to quit smoking following the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a statement from the Chief Midwifery Officer, Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, as well as an update on NHSE’s contribution to the smokefree pregnancy agenda through the LTP and the Maternity Transformation Programme.

View webinar and download the slides here

ASH webinar: Supporting pregnant smokers: Implications of new NICE guidance and the NHS Long Term Plan (March 2022)

This webinar briefs maternity teams on elements of the revised NICE guidance (Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence [NG209]) relating to supporting pregnant smokers to quit. It also includes an update on the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan tobacco dependence treatment pathway for pregnant women.

View webinar and download the slides here

Resources and guidance

Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle Version 2

The Care Bundle Care Bundle sets out recommendations to reduce stillbirth prevalence through smoking cessation. ‘Element 1: Reducing smoking in pregnancy’ recommends carbon monoxide (CO) testing of all pregnant women at antenatal booking appointment; CO testing at 36 weeks; referral to a stop smoking service/specialist based on an opt out system; and training on CO monitor use and Very Brief Advice (VBA) for all relevant maternity staff – in line with NICE guidance on stopping smoking during pregnancy.

NHSE/I Implementing the maternity & neonatal commitments of the NHS Long Term Plan (September 2019)

This resource pack supports Local Maternity Systems to implement the maternity and neonatal commitments within the NHS Long Term Plan.

Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group

The Challenge Group is a coalition of organisations committed to reducing rates of smoking in pregnancy. The Group’s website includes resources and information for staff supporting women and families to quit smoking before, during, and after pregnancy:

Join the Challenge Group mailing list to receive updates about webinars and resources


National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)

The NCSCT has a range of online briefings and training. They can also be commissioned to provide f2f training and support.

The E-learning For Healthcare (e-lfh) Smokefree Pregnancy and Smokefree Families Programme

E-lfh provide an online training (e-learning) programme which focuses on the delivery of very brief advice to pregnant women or those who have recently given birth.

Sources of data

Case studies