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Supporting pregnant smokers: Implications of new NICE guidance and the NHS Long Term Plan

Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group
Mar 2022


This webinar briefs maternity teams on elements of the revised NICE guidance (Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence [NG209]) relating to supporting pregnant smokers to quit. It also includes an update on the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan tobacco dependence treatment pathway for pregnant women.

Speakers and slides:

Introduction from the Chair
John Waldron, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer, ASH

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LTP support for pregnant smokers
Misha Moore, National Speciality Advisor for Obstetrics (Public Health), NHS England and NHS Improvement

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NICE guidance on treating pregnant smokers: summary of the basics and NRT use during pregnancy
Yvonne Hermon, Smoking and Pregnancy Consultant, NCSCT

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NICE guidance: Financial incentives
Jane Coyne, GM Treating Tobacco Dependency Programme Lead

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