Japan Tobacco’s mysterious retailer poll
Deborah Arnott, chief executive of ASH, has written to Japan Tobacco International (JTI) asking them to publish the methodology behind the JTI poll of retailers published in the trade press last November.
Why it is always the right time to quit
As the clocks go back and the nights drawn in Stoptober may seem like a distant memory. But if you’re thinking of quitting smoking there’s no better time to do it than now. In England, around 64,000 people die from smoking related illnesses each year. Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Speciality Advisor for Tobacco Dependency at NHS England, tells us why permanently quitting will not only save you money, but more importantly your life.
WHO World No Tobacco Day – 31 May 2022
Professor Sanjay Agrawal, clinical lead for the NHS tobacco dependency programme talks about the benefits of removing the toxins from our bodies by quitting smoking and the toxic impact smoking has on our communities and the environment.
Smokefree 2030?
With eight years left to go, Hazel Cheeseman (ASH) and Ruth Tennant (ADPH) discuss the feasibility of the Government's Smokefree 2030 ambition.
Commemorating the 8 million people killed by smoking since 1971
ASH was set up in 1971 to end the harm from smoking. Smoking rates have fallen dramatically since then but smoking has still claimed nearly 8 million lives in the UK since then. This page is a tribute to those we have lost.