- ASH submission to the consultation on Standardised Packaging for all Tobacco Products (January 2025)
- Written evidence for the Tobacco and Vapes Bill public bill committee (January 2025)
- ASH submission to the Inquiry into Community Mental Health Services (February 2025)
- ASH Spending Review representation (February 2025)
- ASH Budget representation to Autumn Budget (September 2024)
- Letter to the SoS for Environment from ASH, CTSI and Material Focus (August 2024)
- Open letters to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health. (July 2024)
- Full list of signatories available online. 8th July 2024.
- ASH submission to the Vaping Products Duty consultation (May 2024)
- ASH representation to the Spring Budget 2024 (January 2024)
- ASH submission to the smokefree generation consultation (December 2023)
- The ASH submission is supplemented by this supporting document. See press release here.
- ASH submission to the call for evidence on vaping (June 2023)
- ASH and SPECTRUM representation to HMT 2023 Budget (January 2023)
- ASH response to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into Integrated Care Systems: autonomy and accountability (August 2022)
- ASH and SPECTRUM response to DHSC consultation on the mental health and wellbeing plan (July 2022)
- ASH response to Welsh Tobacco Control Plan (March 2022)
- ASH response to DEFRA’s call for evidence on commonly littered and problematic plastic items (February 2022)
- ASH response to NHS England and NHS Improvement consultation on CORE20PLUS5 (November 2021)
- ASH and SPECTRUM representation to HM Treasury’s Spending Review (SR21) and Budget (September 2021)
- ASH response to Hampshire County Council consultation on public health services (August 2021)
- ASH response to Health Foundation consultation, ‘Health at the heart of recovery’ (August 2021)
- ASH response to consultation on the Women’s Health Strategy (June 2021)
- ASH response to DEFRA consultation on packaging and packaging waste (June 2021)
- Consultation response by ASH and SPECTRUM to the UK Product Safety Review: Call for Evidence (June 2021)
- Consultation submission by ASH, the Royal College of Physicians and SPECTRUM to Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan: Discussion document (May 2021)
- ASH response to DHSC consultation on transforming the public health system (April 2021)
- ASH and SPECTRUM response to the DHSC consultation on Tobacco and related products legislation introduced between 2015 to 2016 (March 2021)
- ASH and SPECTRUM budget submission 2021 (January 2021)
- ASH response to NHSE/I consultation on the next steps for Integrated Care Systems (January 2021)