Resources for Integrated Care Systems
Integrated Care Boards and tobacco control: making good progress
This report sets out the findings from a short survey of ICBs, an analysis of their Joint Forward Plans, and data on the funding of tobacco dependence treatment services. The ASH report describes the significant progress made since the NHS Long Term Plan introduced tobacco dependence treatment services in hospitals, in maternity services and mental health inpatient settings. However, insufficient funding, uncertainty about future funding, and patchy collaboration with local government are impeding further progress and require attention .
Click here to read report
Addressing winter pressures through treating tobacco dependency briefing
This briefing lays out how tackling smoking can help ICBs make effective winter plans in line with the guidance from NHSE and simultaneously make strong progress on health inequalities and the prevention agenda, which form ICBs’ core purpose and objectives.
Click here to read the briefing
Core20PLUS5 ICS briefings
Tailored briefings for Integrated Care Systems showing the impact of smoking, using data at ICS level. The briefings use the new NHS England Core20PLUS5 framework which has been developed to help the NHS prioritise its activity to address health inequalities.
Click here to find your ICB's briefing
Toolkit: Developing a system-wide tobacco control programme
ASH has developed a series of resources designed to assist areas aiming to collaborate on tobacco control at a supra-local level.
Report: Integrated Care Systems and tobacco control: improving outcomes in population health and healthcare (2023)
This report sets out the findings from a survey of Integrated Care Boards and a content analysis of Integrated Care Strategies. The report offers an early, provisional snapshot of the engagement of integrated care systems with tobacco control.
Click here to view the report.
ICB briefing for Joint Forward Plans (2023)
This briefing sets out key outcomes for tackling smoking and delivering on the prevention agenda for inclusion in ICB Joint Forward Plans (JFP). The briefing sets out:
- recommended measures for the JFP
- activity that will allow ICBs to deliver on these measures.
ASH and Cancer Research UK recently surveyed ICBs and reviewed ICP plans. They found a mixed picture in terms of activity and commitment to action on smoking which does not match the level of impact that smoking has on the healthcare system and beyond.
Click here to view the briefing.