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Implementing NICE Guidance [NG209]

NICE guidance on smoking [NG209] sets out the evidence-based model for stop smoking support. NICE Guideline NG209 was published November 2021 and replaces previous NICE guidance on smoking including NG92, PH48, PH45, and PH26. The recommendations cover:

  • Preventing uptake
  • Promoting quitting
  • Treating tobacco dependence
  • Pregnant woman
  • Policy, commissioning, and training


ASH webinar: NICE guidance and community stop smoking support (February 2022)

This webinar briefs local authorities on elements of the revised NICE guidance (Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence [NG209]) relating to the recommended model for supporting smokers to quit, and links to some practical tools to support implementation.

View webinar and download slides here

ASH webinar: Supporting pregnant smokers: Implications of new NICE guidance and the NHS Long Term Plan (March 2022)

This webinar briefs maternity teams on elements of the revised NICE guidance (Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence [NG209]) relating to supporting pregnant smokers to quit. It also includes an update on the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan tobacco dependence treatment pathway for pregnant women.

View webinar and download slides here

BTS webinar: How do I encourage uptake of treatment options to inpatients? (May 2022)

This webinar provides a brief overview of the current NICE guidance recommended treatment options alongside innovative ways in which to speed up access and improve the uptake from patients.

View webinar and download transcript here


NCSCT online training

The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) provides a comprehensive programme of free, online training courses for healthcare professionals. Their training resources include:

  • A certified training programme designed to enable healthcare professionals to utilise evidence-based behavioural techniques and practical interventions.
  • Additional training modules covering Very Brief Advice (VBA), stop-smoking medications, second-hand smoke and e-cigarettes (vapes).
  • Further specialty courses for mental health and maternity settings.
    NCSCT training standard

The NCSCT also provides an extensive collection of online, written briefings to support practitioners in providing smoking cessation interventions.

Training on delivering VBA on smoking is also available via e-Learning for Healthcare:

CLeaR ‘deep dive’ tobacco control self-assessment tools

Guidance for local authorities, public health bodies and the NHS on using ‘deep dive’ self-assessment tools to improve their tobacco control work. Includes specific deep-dive tools for acute, mental health and maternity settings.