More needs to be done to tackle the unhealthy products driving nearly half a million people out of work
New report lays bare the huge cost to the economy from alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy foods.
APPG on Smoking and Health launches its Tobacco Control Manifesto
The backbench All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health launches its manifesto for a Smokefree future today [9th November 2023], calling on the Government to make Big Tobacco pay to deliver a Smokefree future.
Health leaders welcome King’s Speech setting out Government’s proposals for a smokefree generation
Representatives from some of the country’s leading organisations working on tobacco have welcomed the announcement.
APPG Smoking and Health and ASH welcome Rishi Sunak’s announcement on smoking
The APPG and ASH are delighted by the Prime Minister’s clear signal in his speech today he wants to put delivering a smokefree 2030 at the heart of his public health legacy.
ASH response to ONS figures on smoking and vaping
Smoking rates fall as vaping rates are up
Four in ten smokers wrongly believe that vaping is as or more harmful as smoking
Four in ten smokers (39%) in Great Britain now believe vaping is as or more risky compared with smoking; up from a third last year.