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Overview: NHS Long Term Plan tobacco commitments

The NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) states that by 2023/24, NHS-funded tobacco treatment services will be offered to:

  1. Anyone admitted overnight to hospital who smokes
  2. Pregnant women and members of their household
  3. Long-term users of specialist mental health services

Webinar: NHS LTP tobacco commitments (July 2021)

This webinar sets out the overarching objectives of the NHS LTP tobacco commitments, the roles of different partners in the system, and how it is being operationalised and supported regionally and nationally.

Speakers and slides:

Opening address from Chair: Why the LTP commitments matter and roles for different stakeholders
Hazel Cheeseman, Deputy Chief Executive, ASH

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National requirements for the LTP commitments

Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Advisor for Tobacco Addiction, NHSEI

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Supporting implementation across regions

Joanna Feeney, Tobacco Control Programme Manager: NHS LTP - North East & Yorkshire, Public Health England

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Resources to support implementation

NHSE/I Tobacco dependence treatment services: delivery model – Sets out expectations for tobacco dependence treatment services in acute, maternity, and mental health settings.

NHS Futures tobacco dependence treatment services resources – This platform includes information on delivery models, best practice, competency frameworks and governance. (NHS Futures login required)

BTS/Respiratory Futures Treating Tobacco Dependence project – Respiratory Futures and the British Thoracic Society (BTS) resources to support health care professionals to plan, implement and improve the delivery of tobacco treatment services:

National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) guidance and e-learning – Free, e-learning and briefings to support the implementation of NHS tobacco dependence treatment services and local authority stop smoking services.

CLeaR local tobacco control assessment – Guidance for local authorities, public health bodies and the NHS on using ‘deep dive’ self-assessment tools to improve their tobacco control work. Includes specific deep-dive tools for acute, mental health and maternity settings.

Data and insight

OHID Local Tobacco Control Profiles – Presents national, regional and local tobacco prevalence data on smoking prevalence and inequalities.

OHID Tobacco Control Dashboard – Brings together key indicators on tobacco control in a visual tool and has been designed to help present local data in reports, presentations and webinars.

ASH Ready Reckoner – Shows the costs of smoking to society at national, regional, and local authority levels. Includes breakdowns for healthcare, productivity and social care.

ASH ICB Ready Reckoner- Shows the costs of smoking to society at ICB level.

National policy and guidance

NHS Long Term Plan – Links to the original commitments on treating tobacco dependence in the NHS LTP.

2017 Tobacco Control Plan for England – Sets out the Government’s plan to reduce smoking in England, with the aim of creating a smoke-free generation. The plan includes a commitment that NHS trusts will “encourage smokers using, visiting and working in the NHS to quit.”

NICE Guidance [NG209] Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence
– NG209 sets out the evidence-based model for delivering smoking cessation support in the NHS.

The Khan Review – Making Smoking Obsolete (June 2022) – Independent review setting out recommendations on how the Government’s ambition to reduce the national smoking rate to less than 5% by 2030 can be achieved.