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Collecting metrics & measuring success

Staff working to implement NHS Tobacco Dependence Treatment services are required to report on metrics at various stages of the pathway. These metrics will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the service roll out, help drive improvement, target extra support and make the ongoing case for these services within the system.


ASH webinar: Understanding NHS Long Term Plan metrics (March 2022)
This webinar sets out the key metrics for the NHS Long Term Plan tobacco dependence treatment pathways in acute, maternity, and mental health settings.

View webinar recording and download the slides here

BTS webinar: How do I collect data to evaluate whether my service is delivering the right thing? (June 2022)

This BTS webinar sets out the rationale behind capturing data received from the tobacco dependence treatment service, how best to learn from it and how to ensure that the correct data is being captured.

View webinar recording and download the slides here

Resources to support data collection

Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) – The SDCS portal has direct links to both the SDCS and Data Collection Guidance

NHS Futures

  • Data Collection Specification
  • Data Collection Guidance (updated version coming soon)
  • FAQs (coming soon)

Contact the NHS Digital Data Collections team: for technical queries about submitting data via the SDCS portal, the reporting window and extensions

Contact the National programme: for queries about tobacco dependence policy or about the patient-level data collection specification or guidance

NHS Digital publications:

Public Health England analysis of prevalence data in young adults

Detailed ad-hoc analysis of smoking prevalence in young adults aged 18-34, calculated from the Annual Population Survey.