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Making the case

NHSE is providing resource to fund the Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services through transformation funding with a view to services becoming business as usual. However, Trusts may still want to develop a business case to ensure there is a clear organisational understanding of the costs/savings and risks/benefits of these services and secure organisational and senior leadership buy-in.

Presenting local tobacco-related data which demonstrates the public health burden and cost of tobacco consumption to senor leadership is a highly effective tool in building a case for investment in tobacco dependency treatment services. Local data on smoking prevalence and costs is available from:


Building a business case for the CURE Model (March 2022)

This webinar sets out the findings from an analysis of the CURE Project in Greater Manchester, which showed that a hospital-based tobacco dependency treatment service is highly cost-effective. The webinar discusses how services can utilise the results locally to help them make the case for increased investment in NHS tobacco treatment services.

Useful resources from the CURE project:

Sign the NHS Smokefree Pledge 

The NHS Smokefree Pledge is a clear and visible way for NHS organisations to show their commitment to helping smokers to quit and to providing smokefree environments which support them. The pledge is available here. Signing the Pledge is an effective way to engage senior decision makers on the importance of treating tobacco dependency in the NHS. If you have any queries about the Pledge that aren’t addressed by the information on the webpage, please email

The NHS Smokefree Pledge briefing outlines the business case for signing the Pledge and how NHS organisations can implement smokefree policies in line with the Long Term Plan.

Briefings for Integrated Care Systems

These ASH briefings show the impact of smoking using data at ICS level. The briefings use the new NHS England Core20PLUS5 framework which has been developed to help the NHS prioritise its activity to address health inequalities. The briefings include:

  • Data on smoking prevalence among priority groups in each ICB and information on the wider costs and impact on society
  • Data on the impact of smoking on the 5 clinical areas of focus set out in Core20PLUS5
  • Information on the steps ICBs can take to reduce smoking prevalence and improve clinical outcomes
  • Links to useful resources and information

View the briefings here

The briefings are accompanied by a briefing note setting out the impact of smoking on Core20PLUS5 and making specific recommendations for ICS prevention plans.