Smoking in the home: New solutions for a Smokefree Generation
Smoking in the home: New solutions for a Smokefree Generation considers the impact of smoking in the home and what policy measures could be taken across all housing tenures to reduce its prevalence, with the aim of protecting children and adults and supporting healthy communities.
The report calls for collaboration between partners including housing, public health, environmental health, trading standards and the fire service to address the harms from smoking and intervene in communities with the highest rates of smoking.
The recommendations have been informed by close working with professionals from across a range of sectors, engagement with tenants in the private and social sectors, and through analysis of national datasets and published evidence.
The report has been endorsed by over 30 national and local organisations. An executive summary is available here and an ASH guest blog on the Chartered Institute of Housing’s website can be read here.

In February 2019, ASH conducted a webinar on the report showcasing best practice case studies from local authorities and the fire service alongside a presentation from Lee Sugden, co-chair of the report and Chief Executive of Salix Homes.
Hazel Cheeseman, ASH – 0:00 – 15:10
• Introduction
Lee Sugden, Salix Homes – 16:00 – 32:00
• Why housing providers should care about smoking
Dr Sarah Jackson, UCL – 32:00 – 40:00
• Latest evidence on smoking by housing tenure
Wendy Surtees & Steven Carter, South Tyneside Council – 40:10 – 58:20
• Case Study: role of housing professionals in supporting healthy communities
Abby Enoch, Hackney Council – 58:20 – 1:05:00
• Case Study: maximising delivery of VBA to support smokefree homes
Phil Hart, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service – 1:05:10 – 1:12:25
• Case Study: opportunities for fire service to support smokefree homes
All Panellists – 1:12:25 – 1:16:44
• Q&A