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Improving timeliness of NRT administration for acute nicotine withdrawal & tobacco dependence

Smokefree NHS
Nov 2023

On 17th October 2023, ASH hosted the second in our 2-part series of network events on solutions to improve the pathway for tobacco dependency treatment services.

The event was chaired by Dr Matthew Evison, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Lung Cancer Physician and clinical lead for the CURE programme Tobacco Addiction.

We explored the experiences of those in Acute, Mental Health and Maternity settings implementing and achieving timely administration of NRT and how quality improvement methodology has helped make change happen.

We heard learnings from case studies from teams at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust Maternity Services and more, who showcased how they achieved timely administration of NRT for acute nicotine withdrawal and tobacco dependence, and how quality improvement methodology has helped them make this happen.

Speakers and slides

Chair's welcome & opening presentation

Dr Matthew Evison, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Lung Cancer Physician and clinical lead for the CURE programme Tobacco Addiction

Management of nicotine withdrawal - Joanna Feeney Clinical Delivery Manager, Tobacco at North East & Yorkshire NHS Prevention team

Download slides here

Breakout rooms

Acute & Mental health setting

00:00:21 - Mike Smith, Healthy Hospital Programme Manager at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust, to present and discuss how the local team has achieved timely administration of NRT and how quality improvement methodology has helped make change happen.

Download slides here

00:16:00 - Clementine Bunce, Quality Improvement Coach, National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health discussing work on NRT in the QuITT (Quality Improvement in Tobacco Treatment) programme.

00:22:50 - Ogechi Anokwuru MPH, PhD FRSPH, Fellow for Royal Society of Public Health, Trust and Forensic Lead, Tobacco Dependency for City and Hackney For Mental Health will share her thoughts on the similarities and differences with improving timely provision of NRT in the acute setting.

Download slides here

Maternity setting

Heidi Croucher, Lead Treating Tobacco Dependency Midwife (NHS England Prevention) & Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager, with Janette Beer, Smoking in pregnancy support worker from University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust Maternity Services. Heidi and Janette will be answering questions on getting NRT to patients in a timely way and integrating e-cigarettes into Tobacco Dependency Treatment services in the maternity setting.

Download slides here

Resource library

Quality improvement

  • East London Foundation Trust have a great website on QI with a wide range of free resources for the beginner in QI and those who are more advanced.
  • QSIR courses can be accessed through the organisation AQUA
  • Reach out to your local QI teams and education teams in your organisations for mentoring, support and to find out about local courses.


Mental Health



We are planning the next Smokefree NHS network event for early 2024 on health inequalities and smoking, and using this knowledge to have conversations with colleagues working in finance, so join the Smokefree NHS Network here to be the first to hear more, and invite your colleagues to join the network too.