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Building partnerships to implement the NHS Long Term Plan

Nov 2021


The webinar focuses on the importance of building effective partnerships between NHS and local authority services, to support comprehensive implementation of the Long Term Plan's tobacco treatment dependence pathway.

Speakers and slides:

Local case study: The ‘CARED’ project
Heidi Croucher, Dorset ICS Treating Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager (Public Health Dorset)

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Local case study: Stop smoking service: the Gateshead story
Gemma King, Programme Lead, Gateshead Council
Joanne Coleman, Quality Improvement Lead Nurse, Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust

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Local case study: Working in partnership to treat tobacco dependency in Devon
Dr Helena Posnett, Speciality Registrar in Public Health, Devon County Council
Jane Bullard, Health Inequalities Project Manager, NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group

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Local case study: Building partnerships to tackle smoking in pregnancy in Wakefield
Charlotte Jaques, Partnership Commissioning Manager, Public Health, Wakefield Council

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