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Local Toolkit

Webinar: Uniting Places for a Smokefree Future: System Wide Tobacco Control Approach

Jul 2023

In this webinar, you will hear from established regional programmes with demonstrable success, such as Fresh-Balance in the North-East and Greater Manchester’s Make Smoking History programme, about their approaches to regional working and the value this brings to their systems. You'll learn how the establishment of ICSs provides an exciting opportunity to facilitate the development of more systemwide tobacco control programmes, as illustrated by the experience of Humber and North Yorkshire in setting up their new Tobacco Control Centre of Excellence. Finally, we talked through ASH’s new toolkit for systemwide working, which includes practical, adaptable resources to help areas establish new programmes of tobacco control.

Speakers and Slides

Opening Remarks

Matt Fagg, Director of Prevention, NHSE

The Fresh approach to regional tobacco control

Alisa Rutter, Director of Fresh and Balance

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Make Smoking History- Greater Manchester

Debbie Watson, Director of Population Health, Tameside MBC

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Establishing the Humber and North Yorkshire Centre of Excellence in Tobacco Control

Scott Crosby, incoming Associate Director of the HNY Centre for Excellence in Tobacco Control, and Peter Roderick, Consultant in Public Health at City of York Council and Deputy Director of Population Health, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB

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The ASH toolkit

Dr Emily Reed, Public Health Registrar, ASH

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See also: Toolkit for developing system-wide tobacco control programme