Expansion and renewal: Local authority stop smoking services and wider tobacco control in England, 2024
This is the 11th instalment of the annual survey of local tobacco control conducted by ASH and CRUK. The survey for this report was conducted from August to September 2024 and the response rate was 81%. The main findings of the survey were:
- The priority of tobacco control in local authorities in England has risen to its highest recorded level. Tobacco control was a high or above average priority in 88% of surveyed local authorities, and a high priority in 54%, up from 37% in 2023.
- For the first time in ten years, all surveyed local authorities commissioned a stop smoking service. All surveyed local authorities commissioned a stop smoking services in 2024 and 89% commissioned a specialist stop smoking service, up from 72% in 2023.
- Year-on-year demand for stop smoking services increased in 48% of surveyed local authorities.
- 93% of surveyed local authorities were participating in Swap to Stop.
- A huge expansion of stop smoking services is underway. The £70 million new government investment in stop smoking services is being used to expand and promote stop smoking services, extend the range of settings where support is offered, improve referral pathways, enhance skills in the wider workforce, target communities most in need, and strengthen the system.
- Local councils have struggled with tight timescale for delivery, the lack of guaranteed funding after the first year and the challenges of recruitment in this time-constrained context.
Download the full report.
This report was launched with a recorded webinar. The webinar slides are also available online.