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Developing your workforce training plan for tobacco dependence treatment services

May 2024

On 25th April 2024, ASH hosted an NHS Smokefree network how to develop a training plan on tobacco dependency treatment for your organisation, using the new training resources developed by NCSCT and NHS England.

Developing a training plan: Joanna Feeney

Joanna Feeney, Consulting in Tobacco Dependency

Developing a training plan

Joanna Feeney discussed how to develop a training plan, demonstrating the benefits to tobacco dependency treatment departments, and the key steps and considerations departments need to make so their training plan is successful.

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Speakers and slides

Chair's welcome

Professor Matthew Evison, Clinical Lead, Make Smoking History, Greater Manchester Regional Tobacco Control Programme, NHS Greater Manchester

Melanie Perry, Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Consultant, NCSCT, Sophia Papadakis, Academic and Health Systems Consultant, NCSCT , Mary Yates, Mental Health Nurse Consultant, NCSCT

Introducing NCSCT Training resources, the Admission Tobacco Dependence care bundle and the Tobacco Dependence Adviser (TDA) Tobacco Dependence Care bundle:

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Parallel sessions: case studies & discussion

  • Acute Inpatient: Case study from Natalie Brooks, Tobacco Dependency Specialist Advisor & Training Lead, North Tees & Hartlepool FT
  • Acute Inpatient: Case study from Louise Eadie, Health Education Practitioner, Tobacco Dependence Treatment Service, Blackpool FT
  • Mental Health Inpatient: Case study from Mary Yates, Mental Health Nurse Consultant, NCSCT
  • Mental Health Inpatient: Case study from Kerry Apedaile, Specialist Tobacco Dependence Service Lead, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
  • Maternity: Case study from Hannah O’Sullivan, Specialist Public Health Midwife, Torbay & South Devon FT
  • ICB/System wide: Case study from Dave Jones, Programme manager Centre for Excellence in treating tobacco dependence, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB

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